Location #19
Blaze Konefal
This delightful dynamic piece of 400 tiny mirrors reflects it surroundings. It flashes in the sun and rustles in the wind.
Discovering making sculpture after retirement has been rewarding. My first art presentation was ink drawings of “Fantasy Flowers” shown at the Chichester Library in 1994. It was rewarding to see people admire a creative effort. A trip to the Maine Botanical Garden where they had moving metal sculptures by George Sherwood inspired me to try and create sculpture. The concept of a Windwave, wind blowing on water tipped by sunlight, was an idea I have been refining since. An initial showing of a small 4 foot by 4 foot sculpture at The Fells in Newfield, NH introduced me to outdoor sculpture venues. I have expanded the Windwave series by making them larger and trying different orientations. Displays at the Meredith Sculpture Walk, downtown Concord and Sculpturefest in Woodstock, Vt soon followed. The sculptures rely on the invisible wind for form and sound. Think of sunlight on lake ripples at dusk merged with the rustling of leaves. I make custom Windwaves on request. Please contact me at MorningWoodFire@Gmail.com.